Empowering Education: A Toast to the Past and a Swing into the Future

Education is a cornerstone of a healthy community.  It's the bedrock upon which we build brighter tomorrows, shaping minds, fostering innovation, and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. The Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation helps emphasize this truth by serving as a beacon of support and advocacy for our schools, teachers, and students.

Our Uncorked Event was an evening of elegance and celebration. From the toast to the last bite of charcuterie board, including an exciting trivia contest, attendees were treated to an amazing evening of fun and entertainment. This event serves not only as a fundraiser, but an opportunity to recognize our amazing TPS educators!  The generosity of sponsors, donors, and attendees allows us to fund teacher grants that help our educators empower our students and enhance learning environments.

The TPSF board of trustees is hard at work planning our next event.   Plans are to revisit a past popular event by hosting a golf tournament in September 2024.  The tournament represents an opportunity for businesses, individuals, and organizations to come together in support of education. Whether swinging for the greens or sponsoring a hole, every contribution can fuel the mission of TPSF and light the path to excellence!  Details about this new golf event will be forthcoming. 

Please consider contributing to the Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation.  Your contribution is an investment in the future of our community through the empowerment of our teachers and students. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow, one student at a time.

If you have any questions or would like to help in any way, please contact us.  You can find us on Facebook, check out our website https://www.tahlequahschools.org/page/tps-foundation, or send us an email (tpsfoundation@gmail.com). 

Written by Dr. Lucas Foster, Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation President