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Josh Davis
Assistant Principal
Middle School
Nita Wright
Assistant Principal
Middle School
Janet Gay
Middle School
Brenda Jones
Child Nutrition
Middle School
Shelly Fallen
Child Nutrition
Middle School
Angie Lewandowski
Middle School
Fred Poteete
Family & Community Support Coordinator
Middle School
Katherine McClure
Literacy Resource Specialist
Middle School
Misty Boston
Middle School
Audrie DeMoss
Music Para
Middle School
Brandy Pittman
SPED Paraprofessional
Middle School
Christy Young
Office Manager
Middle School
Cynthia Haynes
Special Care Para
Middle School
De Shonne Haworth
Special Care Para
Middle School
Deanna Haynes
Guard Shack Attendant
Middle School
Diana Salinas
Special Care Para
Middle School
Kevin Benson
Special Care Para
Middle School
Kylea Teague
SPED Teacher
Middle School
Lori Howard
Special Care Para
Middle School
Rachel Larsen
Counselor’s Secretary
Middle School