Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Victoria Ruiz
Office Manager
Child Nutrition
Gary Stephens
Maintenance & Grounds
Dawn Strazdon
Bus Driver
Amy Spears
Grants Project / Outreach Coordinator
Outreach Center
Ryan Walker
Bus Driver/Maintenance
Maintenance & Grounds
Alicia Gourd
Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition
Melissa Dotson
SPED Coordinator
Board of Education
Lacie Wilson
Director of Federal Programs and Grants
Board of Education
Nicole Molloy
Director of Special Services
Board of Education
Liza Warren
Federal Grants Project Coordinator
Tanya Jones
Board of Education
Sabrina Garner
Director of Finance
Shawna Batson
SI/Reporting Specialist
Wendy Wallace
Personnel Specialist
Vanessa Marble
Personnel Specialist
Heidi Krueger
Child Nutrition Manager
Child Nutrition
Mark Hooper
Warehouse Specialist
James Wilson
Kyle Willige
Mark Seymour